Diary of Events
NT Live - The Importance of Being Ernest
Thursday 20th February 2025 at 19:00

NT Live presents

     The Importance of Being Ernest 

on Thursday 20th February at 19:00

The Importance of Being Earnest is a play by Oscar Wilde, first performed in 1895. The play tells the story of two men, Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff, who both assume the identity of a fictional man named Ernest, leading them both to fall in love and find an assortment of problems along the way.

Tickets: Adults - €22.50; Reduced - €17:50 (For over 60's)


Location: cine Utopia (Avenue de Faïencerie, 16 , Luxembourg - Limpertsberg, 1510)
LEAPA - Sultry concert
Friday 7th March 2025 at 20:00

LEAPA presents  

       Sultry Concert 

on Friday 7th March 2025 at 20:00

Sultry is a dynamic a cappella jazz / pop / rock group founded in 2017. Based in Luxembourg, the group is composed of singers from various countries and cultures who are all passionate about singing. Sultry uses their voices to create an intense atmosphere ranging from sentimental and exuberant to comical. 

Directed by Karen Humphries (MacDonald)

To register: info@leapa.eu (before 1st March)

Tickets: €15 non-LEAPA Members; €10 LEAPA Members


Location: Foyer Européen (10 rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg-Centre, L-1729)
Mitos & NWTC - The Good Doctor
Thu 13th, Fri 14th & Sat 15th March at 20:00 PLUS Sun 16th March at 15:00

Mitos & NWTC present

      The Good Doctor

Join us for an unforgettable theatrical journey as New World Theatre Club and Mitos present this witty and heartwarming masterpiece inspired by the timeless works of Anton Chekhov.

This compelling collection of vignettes offers a kaleidoscope of emotions—blending humour, poignancy, and the absurdities of human nature.

Through the actions and choices of over 20 richly drawn characters, you’ll find yourself questioning your own values, decisions, and perceptions of right and wrong. From moments of compassion and dignity to love, despair, and moral dilemmas, each scene challenges you to reflect on the complexities of life.

Prepare to laugh, ponder, and discover how the choices we make can reveal the essence of who we are. After all, life can be cruel—but our thoughts don’t have to be.

Dates: Thursday 13th, Friday 14th & Saturday 15th March at 20:00 PLUS Sunday 16th March at 15:00

Venue: Centre Polyvalent 'A Schommesch', 18 rue d'Ernster, L-6977 Oberanven

Reservations: https://www.more.com/gr-en/tickets/theater/the-good-doctor/ or tickets@nwtc.lu   35 63 39   

Tickets: Adults - €20 (Members - €18); Students - €12

Location: Centre Polyvalent'A Schommesch', 18 rue d'Ernseter, L-6977 Oberanven
Comhaltas Luxembourg - Ceili with live musicians
Saturday 15th March 20:00 - 23:00

Comhaltas Luxembourg is organising a

        St. Patrick's Day Ceili with live musicians

Tickets on the door: €10 (Doors open at 19:30)


For more information: comhaltas.lu

There will also be a children's ceili in the afternoon 14:00-15:30

Location: Centre Culturel Cessange (1 rue st Joseph, Luxembourg-Cessange, L-1838)
NT Live - Dr Strangelove
Thursday 27th March at 19:00

NT Live presents

     Dr Strangelove

on Thursday 27th March at 19:00

An unhinged American general orders a bombing attack on the Soviet Union, triggering a path to nuclear holocaust that a war room full of politicians and generals frantically tries to stop.

Tickets: Adults - €22.50; Reduced - €17.50 (over 60's)


Location: cine Utopia (Avenue de Faïencerie, 16 , Luxembourg - Limpertsberg, 1510)
Tallis Schollars Renaissance choir concert on Sunday 6th April at 17:00
Sunday 6th April at 17:00

Rencontres Musicales de la Vallée de l'Alzette (RMVA) presents


The Talles Schollars (UK) are one of the best-known Renaissance choirs in Europe which was formed in 1970.

Chant is the underlying theme of the concert and is presented in three different ways:

  • the 12th century interpretation of it by Hildegard of Bingen (these are her own compositions)
  • the living Gregorian tradition as shown in these settings of the Salve regina and Nunc dimittis
  • Arvo Pärt's reimagining of this tradition, partly in the Orthodox view

Reservations: 20 30 20 11 or click here to book online (ticketregional.lu)

Tickets: Adults - €30; Students 14 to 17 years - €15; Students under 14 - Free

Information: 621 379 879

Location: Eglise Ste. Trinité, rue de l'Eglise, L-7224 Walferdange
Grand Theatre - Gypsy
Wed 30th April, Fri 2nd, Sat 3rd May at 20:00

Grand Theatre presents 


In English & French with sub-titles in English & French

Gypsy tells the story of Mama Rose, an overbearing stage mother relentlessly pushing her two daughters to achieve fame.  When the older daughter elopes and as vaudeville declines, the remaining daughter is urged to take on burlesque.  On stage, she become Gypsy Rose Lee, achieves success and mangoes to extract herself from the maternal grip.

Based on a true story, Gypsy resonates in its exploration of the universal yearning to be accepted, loved, notice and considered.

Music by Jule Styne and Stephen Sondheim.

Reservations: https://theatres.lu/fr/gypsy    tickets@lestheatres.lu  4976 3901

Tickets: Adults - €25 to €65; Students - €8

Location: Grand Theatre (Rond-Point Schumann, Luxembourg, L-2525)
Grand Theatre - New Beginning
Fri 16th, Sat 17th May at 20:00 PLUS Sat 17th & Sun 18th May at 17:00

Grand theatre presents

       New Beginning

On Fri 16th May at 20:00 & Sat 17th May at 17:00 the performances are in English, the remaining performances are in French.

New Beginning offers a one-of-a-kind experience, a mesmerising journey through time and nature using cutting-edge technologies.  With multi-dimensional video projections, a dramatic sound score and lyrical prose, this immersive theatre production draws us into the depths of a magical forest where both the past and possible future of our planet unfolds. As the hidden wonders of our natural environment and the impending dangers it faces materialise, we are invited to reflect on the intricate interconnection between humanity and nature. 

Reservations: https://shop.utick.net/?module=QUANTITY&q=12CF54EC-E945-4A70-A01B-96DBA04B37E1&pos=THEATRESDELAVILLEDELUXEMBOURG     

Or tickets@lestheatres.lu  4976 3901

Tickets: Adults - €20; Students: €8

Location: Grand Theatre (Rond-Point Schumann, Luxembourg, L-2525)
Pirates & NWTC - Too Darn Hot! & Escurial
Thu 22nd, Fri 23rd & Sat 24th May at 19:30 PLUS Sun 25th May at 15:00

Pirate Productions & NWTC present a double bill of


These are two one-act plays that will be performed first in Luxembourg and then at the theatre festival (FEATS) which is being held in Hamburg on Fri 6th, Sat 7th, Sun 8th & Mon 9th June 2025.

TOO DARN HOT! is a musical piece written and directed by Neil Johnson.  It is about the life and music of Cole Porter and is being presented by Pirate Productions. 

ESCURIAL is written by Michel Gelderode and directed by John Brigg.  It is being presented by New World Theatre Club. 

Reservations from 1st April:  pirates.lu  tickets@pirates.lu  35 63 39 

Tickets: Prices to be confirmed

Location: Centre Culturel Hollerich (34 Rue Emile Lavandier, Luxembourg-Hollerich, L-1924)
TNL - High Fever
Wed 4th June, Sat 7th June, Thurs 12th June at 19:30

Theatre National de Luxembourg presents

           HIGH FEVER The Paranoia Project

Don’t freak out: if you think they're out to get you, you're not alone. Paranoia, once assumed to afflict only schizophrenics, may be a lot more common than previously thought. According to valid research nearly one in four Londoners, for instance, regularly has paranoid thoughts.

Departing from the comfort zone, High Fever sets out on a strange, deranged and savage journey in the minds of poets, writers, singers and other explorers of the paranoid existence.  This is a deliriously damaged, darkly comical performance about shame, excess and paranoia. 

To reserve: Luxembourg-ticket.lu

Tickets: €20

Location: Theatre National du Luxembourg (196 route de Longwy,, Luxembourg-Merl, L-1940)
NT Live - The Motive and The Cue
Thursday 4th July 2025 at 19:00

NT Live presents 

      The Motive and The Cue

on Thursday 4th July 2025 at 19:00

1964: Richard Burton, newly married to Elizabeth Taylor, is to play the title role in an experimental new Broadway production of Hamlet under John Gielgud’s exacting direction.  But as rehearsals progress, two ages of theatre collide and the collaboration between actor and director soon threatens to unravel.

Tickets: Adults - €22.50; Reduced - €17.50 (over 60's)

Location: cine Utopia (Avenue de Faïencerie, 16 , Luxembourg - Limpertsberg, 1510)